Friday, August 23, 2013

Time to Depart

Dobry Den!

You probably want to know what this blog is all about. Well, like most college kids, I'm creating this so that my friends and family can keep tabs on my life while I'm studying abroad in the Czech Republic. Mostly, I'm doing this so that I don't have to feel tied to my phone throughout the entire experience. I won't be able to call, text, or *gasp* snapchat very often, so this will be the best way to make sure I'm not dead and that my organs aren't being harvested by post soviet Czech drug lords (that's a thing, right?)

I knew I would be studying abroad in Prague months ago, but like most everything else I do I have put off creating this blog until now: ten minutes before I'm supposed to leave for the airport. Just like I put off packing until last night, and calling the bank to inform them of my travels until an hour ago. At least it's all getting done, last minute or not. My bags are packed, my first post is nearly uploaded, and I'm officially ready for takeoff! At least physically if not mentally. 

On that note, I'm quickly running out of time, so I'm off! Bon voyage, safe travels, pictures to come, and I'll see you all in Praha.

With Love,

Katie Lawson

PS: For those who wish to send me postcards, my mailing address in Prague is as follows:

Male namesti 2, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic

And please note that I will respond to postcards!


  1. Katie - I know that you will seize this opportunity and take advantage of everything that comes your way. Enjoy every second and live life to it's fullest potential. I am SO HAPPY for you.

    Be safe, I love you, Dad

  2. I cannot wait to hear about your adventure in Prague! I look forward to seeing Prague through your eyes and to hear your perspective! Have an amazing journey!
    Aunt Lucy
